
Link do Pubmed com artigos publicados por Dario S. Zamboni:

Artigos Selecionados:

de Sá KSG, Amaral LA, Rodrigues TS, Ishimoto AY, de Andrade WAC, de Almeida L, Freitas-Castro F, Batah SS, Oliveira SC, Pastorello MT, Fabro AT, Zamboni DS. Gasdermin-D activation promotes NLRP3 activation and host resistance to Leishmania infection. Nat Commun. 2023 Feb 24;14(1):1049. doi: 10.1038/s41467-023-36626-6.PMID: 36828815.

Rodrigues TS, Caetano CCS, de Sá KSG, Almeida L, Becerra A, Gonçalves AV, de Sousa Lopes L, Oliveira S, Mascarenhas DPA, Batah SS, Silva BM, Gomes GF, Castro R, Martins RB, Avila J, Frantz FG, Cunha TM, Arruda E, Cunha FQ, Nakaya H, Cunha LD, Fabro AT, Louzada-Junior P, de Oliveira RDR, Zamboni DS. CASP4/11 contributes to NLRP3 activation and COVID-19 exacerbation. J Infect Dis. 2023 Feb 10:jiad037. doi: 10.1093/infdis/jiad037.  PMID: 36763010.

Ataide MA, Manin GZ, Oliveira SS, Guerra RO, Zamboni DS. Inflammasome activation and CCR2-mediated monocyte-derived dendritic cell recruitment restrict Legionella pneumophila infection. Eur J Immunol. 2023 Feb;53(2):e2249985. doi: 10.1002/eji.202249985. Epub 2022 Dec 8. PMID: 36427489.

de Almeida L, da Silva ALN, Rodrigues TS, Oliveira S, Ishimoto AY, Seribelli AA, Becerra A, Andrade WA, Ataide MA, Caetano CCS, de Sá KSG, Pelisson N, Martins RB, de Paula Souza J, Arruda E, Batah SS, Castro R, Frantz FG, Cunha FQ, Cunha TM, Fabro AT, Cunha LD, Louzada-Junior P, de Oliveira RDR, Zamboni DS. Identification of immunomodulatory drugs that inhibit multiple inflammasomes and impair SARS-CoV-2 infection. Sci Adv. 2022 Sep 16;8(37):eabo5400. doi: 10.1126/sciadv.abo5400. Epub 2022 Sep 14. PMID: 36103544.

Rodrigues TS, de Sá KSG, Ishimoto AY, Becerra A, Oliveira S, Almeida L, Gonçalves AV, Perucello DB, Andrade WA, Castro R, Veras FP, Toller-Kawahisa JE, Nascimento DC, de Lima MHF, Silva CMS, Caetite DB, Martins RB, Castro IA, Pontelli MC, de Barros FC, do Amaral NB, Giannini MC, Bonjorno LP, Lopes MIF, Santana RC, Vilar FC, Auxiliadora-Martins M, Luppino Assad R, de Almeida SCL, de Oliveira FR, Batah SS, Siyuan L, Benatti MN, Cunha TM, Alves-Filho JC, Cunha FQ, Cunha LD, Frantz FG, Kohlsdorf T, Fabro AT, Arruda E, de Oliveira RDR, Louzada-Junior P, Zamboni DS. Inflammasomes are activated in response to SARS-CoV-2 infection and are associated with COVID-19 severity in patients. J Exp Med. 2021 Mar 1;218(3):e20201707. doi: 10.1084/jem.20201707. PMID: 33231615.

de Carvalho RVH, Lima-Júnior DS, de Oliveira CV, Zamboni DS. Endosymbiotic RNA virus inhibits Leishmania-induced caspase-11 activation. iScience. 2020 Dec 29;24(1):102004. doi: 10.1016/j.isci.2020.102004. eCollection 2021 Jan 22.PMID: 33490912.

Andrade WA, Zamboni DS. NLRC4 biology in immunity and inflammation. J Leukoc Biol. 2020 Oct;108(4):1117-1127. doi: 10.1002/JLB.3MR0420-573R. Epub 2020 Jun 12. PMID: 32531834. Review.

de Carvalho RVH, Zamboni DS. Inflammasome Activation in Response to Intracellular Protozoan Parasites. Trends Parasitol. 2020 May;36(5):459-472. doi: 10.1016/ Epub 2020 Mar 23. PMID: 32298633. Review.

de Carvalho RVH, Lima-Junior DS, da Silva MVG, Dilucca M, Rodrigues TS, Horta CV, Silva ALN, da Silva PF, Frantz FG, Lorenzon LB, Souza MM, Almeida F, Cantanhêde LM, Ferreira RGM, Cruz AK, Zamboni DS. Leishmania RNA virus exacerbates Leishmaniasis by subverting innate immunity via TLR3-mediated NLRP3 inflammasome inhibition. Nat Commun. 2019 Nov 21;10(1):5273. doi: 10.1038/s41467-019-13356-2. PMID: 31754185.

de Castro-Jorge LA, de Carvalho RVH, Klein TM, Hiroki CH, Lopes AH, Guimarães RM, Fumagalli MJ, Floriano VG, Agostinho MR, Slhessarenko RD, Ramalho FS, Cunha TM, Cunha FQ, da Fonseca BAL, Zamboni DS. The NLRP3 inflammasome is involved with the pathogenesis of Mayaro virus. PLoS Pathog. 2019 Sep 3;15(9):e1007934. doi: 10.1371/journal.ppat.1007934. PMID: 31479495.

Gonçalves AV, Margolis SR, Quirino GFS, Mascarenhas DPA, Rauch I, Nichols RD, Ansaldo E, Fontana MF, Vance RE, Zamboni DS. Gasdermin-D and Caspase-7 are the key Caspase-1/8 substrates downstream of the NAIP5/NLRC4 inflammasome required for restriction of Legionella pneumophila. PLoS Pathog. 2019 Jun 28;15(6):e1007886. doi: 10.1371/journal.ppat.1007886. eCollection 2019 Jun. PMID: 31251782.

de Carvalho RVH, Silva ALN, Santos LL, Andrade WA, de Sá KSG, Zamboni DS. Macrophage priming is dispensable for NLRP3 inflammasome activation and restriction of Leishmania amazonensis replication. J Leukoc Biol. 2019;106(3):631-640. doi: 10.1002/JLB.MA1118-471R. PMID: 31063608.

de Carvalho RVH, Andrade WA, Lima-Junior DS, Dilucca M, de Oliveira CV, Wang K, Nogueira PM, Rugani JN, Soares RP, Beverley SM, Shao F, Zamboni DS. Leishmania Lipophosphoglycan Triggers Caspase-11 and the Non-canonical Activation of the NLRP3 Inflammasome. Cell Rep. 2019;26(2):429-437.e5. doi: 10.1016/j.celrep.2018.12.047. PMID: 30625325

Lima-Junior DS, Mineo TWP, Calich VLG, Zamboni DS. Dectin-1 Activation during Leishmania amazonensis Phagocytosis Prompts Syk-Dependent Reactive Oxygen Species Production To Trigger Inflammasome Assembly and Restriction of Parasite Replication.  J Immunol. 2017;199(6):2055-2068. doi: 10.4049/jimmunol.1700258. PMID:28784846.

Mascarenhas DPA, Cerqueira DM, Pereira MSF, Castanheira FVS, Fernandes TD, Manin GZ, Cunha LD, Zamboni DS.  Inhibition of caspase-1 or gasdermin-D enable caspase-8 activation in the Naip5/NLRC4/ASC inflammasome. PLoS Pathog. 2017;13(8):e1006502. doi: 10.1371/journal.ppat.1006502. PMID: 28771586.

Cunha LD, Silva ALN, Ribeiro JM, Mascarenhas DPA, Quirino GFS, Santos LL, Flavell RA, Zamboni DS. AIM2 Engages Active but Unprocessed Caspase-1 to Induce Noncanonical Activation of the NLRP3 Inflammasome. Cell Rep. 2017;20(4):794-805. doi: 10.1016/j.celrep.2017.06.086. PMID: 28746866.

Franco LH, Fleuri AKA, Pellison NAC, Quirino GFS, Horta CV, Carvalho RVH, Oliveira SC, Zamboni DS. Autophagy downstream of endosomal Toll-like Receptors Signaling in Macrophages is a Key Mechanism for Resistance to Leishmania major Infection. J Biol Chem. 2017;292(32):13087-13096. doi: 10.1074/jbc.M117.780981. PMID: 28607148.

Massis LM, Assis-Marques MA, Castanheira FV, Capobianco YJ, Balestra AC, Escoll P, Wood RE, Manin GZ, Correa VM, Alves-Filho JC, Cunha FQ, Buchrieser C, Borges MC, Newton HJ, Zamboni DS. Legionella longbeachae is immunologically silent and highly virulent in vivo. J Infect Dis. 2017;215(3):440-451. doi: 10.1093/infdis/jiw560. PMID: 27932612.

Fernandes TD, Cunha LD, Ribeiro JM, Massis LM, Lima-Junior DS, Newton HJ, Zamboni DS. Murine alveolar macrophages are highly susceptible to replication of Coxiella burnetii phase II in vitro. Infect Immun. 2016;84(9):2439-48. doi: 10.1128/IAI.00411-16. PMID: 27297388.

Cunha LD, Ribeiro JM, Fernandes TD, Massis LM, Khoo CA, Moffatt JH, Newton HJ, Roy CR, Zamboni DS. Inhibition of inflammasome activation by Coxiella burnetii type IV secretion system effector IcaA. Nature Communications. 2015;6:10205. doi: 10.1038/ncomms10205. PMID: 26687278.

Cerqueira DM, Pereira MS, Silva AL, Cunha LD, Zamboni DS. Caspase-1 but Not Caspase-11 Is Required for NLRC4-Mediated Pyroptosis and Restriction of Infection by Flagellated Legionella Species in Mouse Macrophages and In Vivo. J Immunol. 2015;195(5):2303-11. doi: 10.4049/jimmunol.1501223. Epub 2015 Jul 31. PMID: 26232428.

Mascarenhas DP, Pereira MS, Manin GZ, Hori JI, Zamboni DS. Interleukin 1 Receptor-Driven Neutrophil Recruitment Accounts to MyD88-Dependent Pulmonary Clearance of Legionella pneumophila Infection In Vivo. J Infect Dis. 2015;211(2):322-30. doi: 10.1093/infdis/jiu430. Epub 2014 Aug 7. PMID: 25104770.

Hori JI, Pereira MS, Roy CR, Nagai H, Zamboni DS. Identification and functional characterization of K(+) transporters encoded by Legionella pneumophila kup genes. Cell Microbiol. 2013;15(12):2006-19. doi: 10.1111/cmi.12168. Epub 2013 Aug 2. PMID: 23848378.

Lima-Junior DS, Costa DL, Carregaro V, Cunha LD, Silva AL, Mineo TW, Gutierrez FR, Bellio M, Bortoluci KR, Flavell RA, Bozza MT, Silva JS, Zamboni DS. Inflammasome-derived IL-1β production induces nitric oxide-mediated resistance to Leishmania. Nature Medicine. 2013;19(7):909-15. doi: 10.1038/nm.3221. Epub 2013 Jun 9. PMID: 23749230.

Case CL, Kohler LJ, Lima JB, Strowig T, de Zoete MR, Flavell RA, Zamboni DS, Roy CR. Caspase-11 stimulates rapid flagellin-independent pyroptosis in response to Legionella pneumophila.  Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2013;110(5):1851-6. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1211521110. Epub 2013 Jan 10. PMID: 23307811.

Pereira MS, Morgantetti GF, Massis LM, Horta CV, Hori JI, Zamboni DS.  Activation of NLRC4 by flagellated bacteria triggers caspase-1-dependent and -independent responses to restrict Legionella pneumophila replication in macrophages and in vivo.  J Immunol. 2011;187(12):6447-55. doi: 10.4049/jimmunol.1003784. Epub 2011 Nov 11. PMID: 22079982.

Silveira TN, Zamboni DS.  Pore formation triggered by Legionella spp. is an Nlrc4 inflammasome-dependent host cell response that precedes pyroptosis.  Infect Immun. 2010;78(3):1403-13. doi: 10.1128/IAI.00905-09. Epub 2010 Jan 4. PMID: 20048047.

Silva GK, Gutierrez FR, Guedes PM, Horta CV, Cunha LD, Mineo TW, Santiago-Silva J, Kobayashi KS, Flavell RA, Silva JS, Zamboni DS.  Cutting edge: nucleotide-binding oligomerization domain 1-dependent responses account for murine resistance against Trypanosoma cruzi infection.  J Immunol. 2010;184(3):1148-52. doi: 10.4049/jimmunol.0902254. Epub 2009 Dec 30. PMID: 20042586.

Zamboni DS, Kobayashi KS, Kohlsdorf T, Ogura Y, Long EM, Vance RE, Kuida K, Mariathasan S, Dixit VM, Flavell RA, Dietrich WF, Roy CR.  The Birc1e cytosolic pattern-recognition receptor contributes to the detection and control of Legionella pneumophila infection.  Nature Immunology. 2006;7(3):318-25. Epub 2006 Jan 29. PMID: 16444259.

Artigos de Revisão:

Zamboni DS, Sacks DL. Inflammasomes and Leishmania: in good times or bad, in sickness or in health. Curr Opin Microbiol. 2019 Jun 20;52:70-76. doi: 10.1016/j.mib.2019.05.005.. PMID: 31229882.

Mascarenhas DPA, Zamboni DS. Inflammasome Activation in Legionella-Infected Macrophages. Methods Mol Biol. 2019;1921:305-319. doi: 10.1007/978-1-4939-9048-1_20. PMID: 30694501

Andrade WA, Zamboni DS. Inflammasome-dependent Mechanisms Involved in Sensing and Restriction of Bacterial Replication. Curr Issues Mol Biol. 2018;25:99-132. doi: 10.21775/cimb.025.099. PMID: 28875942.

Mascarenhas DP, Zamboni DS. Inflammasome biology taught by Legionella pneumophila. J Leukoc Biol. 2017;101(4):841-849. doi: 10.1189/jlb.3MR0916-380R. PMID: 27999148.

Zamboni DS, Lima-Junior DS. Inflammasomes in host response to protozoan parasites. Immunol Rev. 2015;265(1):156-71. doi: 10.1111/imr.12291. PMID: 25879291.

Cunha LD, Zamboni DS. Recognition of Legionella pneumophila nucleic acids by innate immune receptors. Microbes Infect. 2014;16(12):985-90. doi: 10.1016/j.micinf.2014.08.008. PMID: 25172398.

Cunha LD, Zamboni DS. Subversion of inflammasome activation and pyroptosis by pathogenic bacteria. Front Cell Infect Microbiol. 2013;3:76. doi: 10.3389/fcimb.2013.00076. PMID: 24324933.

Moreira LO, Zamboni DS.  NOD1 and NOD2 Signaling in Infection and Inflammation.  Front Immunol. 2012;3:328. doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2012.00328. PMID: 23162548.

Franco LH, Beverley SM, Zamboni DS.  Innate immune activation and subversion of Mammalian functions by Leishmania lipophosphoglycan.  J Parasitol Res. 2012;2012:165126. doi: 10.1155/2012/165126. PMID: 22523640.

Massis LM, Zamboni DS.  Innate Immunity to Legionella pneumophila.  Front in Microbiology. 2011 May 16;2:109. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2011.00109. PMID: 21833338.